While nearly all flowers need to be in a sunny position if they are to thrive, some are tougher than others when it comes to real summer heat. If the plants in your garden suffer when the temperatures soar then this list of ten heat-tolerant flowers can help you to find suitable alternatives. This information comes from an article I found on the Birds and Blooms website.

Summer sizzles, and so do these beautiful blooms! Choose from these top heat-tolerant plants for your summer flower garden.

Blazing sun have you worked up into a sweat? Cool off with these fuss-free heat-tolerant plants, tough enough to handle whatever Mother Nature dishes out.
Heat Tolerant Plants Blanketflower Proven Winners
Proven Winners


Gaillardia spp.,?Zones 3 to 10
The brilliant hues of the native North American blanket flower have a place in any garden. This all-summer bloomer has red and yellow petals with gold, red or purple centers. Blanket flower thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, and is sometimes grown as an annual.

Heat Tolerant Plants Celosa RDA-GID



Celosia argentea,?grown as an annual
These ?ery favorites thrive in hot weather. Available in shades of red, orange and yellow, celosia blooms from summer into fall. The crested type resembles a rooster?s comb, which explains the ?ower?s other name, cockscomb. Plumed varieties like the one shown at far right unfurl feathery, upright ?owers; pinch back the tips to encourage branching for a showier display. Celosia can thrive in a wide range of soils, including heavy clay.

Go to the next page for more great heat-tolerant flowers


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