Many gardeners think of the shady areas of their yard as a problem where nothing will grow. Apart from areas of deep shade where there is virtually no light there are many plants that thrive in these conditions. As is the case with most aspects of gardening you need to choose plants to suit their location. These seven shade lovers are described in an article by Kathy Woodard which I found on The Garden Glove website.

A lot of gardeners hate the word ?shade?. It keeps them awake at night wondering how to get anything to bloom or grow. For so long we have been conditioned to believe that pretty things only grow in the bright sunshine. It just isn?t true! Some of the most beautiful and enduring gardens in the world thrive in partial to deep shady conditions, and yours can too. The secret is easy? simply choose the right plants! Here are TGG?s picks for 7 gorgeous shade loving plants that any gardener can grow!
Golden Japanese Forest Grass
This shade loving grass is amazing as a ground cover or a focal point in the shady garden. Be aware, if planted in the sun, some varieties?can be a bit invasive. Look for the name ?Aureola? or ?Golden?. Loves moist soil and is deer resistant, looks ah-mazing planted with blue-green hostas. Grows to about 18 inches by 18 inches.
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Sweet Woodruff
An old fashioned favorite, it is a tough, drought resistant, fast spreading ground cover. If you have a shady, difficult spot to cover, and you want it to look carpeted with fresh green topped with delicate white flowers in May and June? well, this is the shade loving plant for you. And let?s face it, aren?t we used to having plants in the shade that just don?t thrive and spread? Fill in those areas quickly with Sweet Woodruff! Oh, and they smell great!
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Lenten Rose, Hellebore
We love Lenten Rose for a couple of reasons? First off, it?s pretty much evergreen down to zone 5. Second, the blooms are incredibly exquisite in shape, form and color. Third, they bloom in late winter and early spring! They are a low grower, around 12 inches tall, and are rabbit resistant. They come in pinks, reds, whites, greens, black and even a yellow! GORGEOUS!
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See more at The Garden Glove