Trees and shrubs will usually form the backbone of the garden and depending on your location the six shown here will provide a splash of early color as spring arrives. In fact there is just one tree, the pink dogwood, and five shrubs including lilac and viburnum. I came across this selection in an article by Lynne Cherot which I found on her Sensible Gardening website.
Once spring begins it usually moves ahead at record speed. The grass greens up and the early flowering trees and shrubs take centre stage. A well planned garden will have incorporated several flowering specimens placed in strategic sites. This is what will hold your spring garden together while the bulbs and perennials start to poke up out of the ground.
It?s wise to choose very hardy cultivars for your area, to minimize having to replace such structural plants. You want them to be strong, healthy specimens that will easily reach mature size and blooming power. Below are the ones I choose to grow in my zone 5 garden. All are hardy and easy to grow.
PINK DOGWOOD TREE ( Cornus florida ?CherokeeChief ? )
A small specimen tree which matures at about 20 feet tall. Mid green leaves turn brilliant purple in the fall and in spring it is covered in dark ruby-pink blooms. Hardy to zone 5. Try to protect from strong wind areas. In full bloom this is really a sight for sore eyes.
This is a very vigorous upright shrub with large pompom-like double yellow flowers. There are single flowered varieties but the double blooms are showier. Hardy to zone 5. In ideal growing conditions this one will sucker and move out. Best to trim out new shoots when they are small. In an outer area you could just let it roam.
See more at Sensible Gardening