Top 20 Popular Perennial Plants

Top lists of favorite perennial flowers tend to be rather similar, but on this occasion there are several plants included that I did not expect. Of course there are all the usual suspects such as asters and coneflowers which are an essential part of any garden, but all the others are worthy of their place in the perennial bed. The plants are described in an article which I found over on the Garden Lovers Club website.

It?s no wonder that for generations perennial flowers have graced gardens around the world.?There is a certain pleasure in seeing the arrival each year of favorites that like wildflowers, just seem to happen on their own. Once established in their designated areas they will delight by naturalizing and spreading the beauty of these favorites year after year with minimal efforts. No need to replant entire areas every spring, as these wonders of nature will show up with little more than watering. Additional care of perennials includes the very important habit of deadheading, which is simply cutting or plucking off the old dead blooms. This will encourage new blooms as the energy involved with creating seeds is now sent back to the plant to produce more flowers. Every few years it may be necessary to divide your plants by digging up the root bulbs and separating them. This allows the plants to spread their toes out for new and improved growth. You can also plant the divided roots in other areas to share the wealth. Become familiar with your choices of perennial flowers so that the placement will be adequate for spreading and for future plantings. Choose varieties that will bloom at different times of the season so that something is always bringing color to the site.

Annual flowers can be integrated into the beds each year for variety and different plant textures will add interest. Even your vegetable garden will benefit from the addition of perennial flowers to attract pollinating bees and birds. Tall lilies, Coneflowers and daisies create a stunning background for the shorter asters, Forget-me-nots and Fresia and gorgeous flowering mounds like Chrysanthemum, Lantana and lavander surrounded by spreading carpets of color with allysum and carpet phlox can take your breath away. Add the magnificent spires of Delphinium, Blazing Star, Foxglove and Lupine for more character. Blend in different shades of green varieties like Euphorbia Characias and fountain grasses to break up the masses of vibrant hues and blushing blossoms.

Go to the next page to see the list of favorite perennial flowers.