Whenever people are asked which is their favorite flower the one that is most often chosen is the rose. Roses have been cultivated for hundreds of years so it is not surprising that it is such a popular choice. Today there are so many different varieties of roses that any top ten list will be highly personal and not everyone will agree with the selection. For instance Gertrude Jekyll which is one of my favorites is not on this list which comes from an article by Betty which I found on the Top Inspired website.
Roses are one of the most loved flowers in the world for centuries. They are so elegant, beautiful and we doubt that there is another flower that represents love better than the roses. #gardening #roses
Roses are easy to take care of and since they are such wonderful flowers, it makes them one of the most popular flower choices for our gardens and even indoor flowers.
In case you were wondering which type of rose to choose for this summer, we recommend you take a look at these ten, wonderful roses.1. ?Little Mischief?
The type of roses known as ?Little Mischief? have the most wonderful deep pink color while blooming, and then they?re lighter pink while getting old! It is an everblooming shrub that has a disease resistant foliage and a low ? growing habit.
These roses need full sun position and want to be watered moderately. You can use these roses in a decorative planter, as a hedge plant or maybe even as a companion plant too.
See more at Top Inspired
Feature photo via atasteofmorning.com
Amanda Koll