Top 10 Rose Pruning Mistakes

Pruning roses is a task that worries many people because the instructions in gardening books or on the web tend to make it sound over complicated. Even the title to this post implies that there are at least ten ways that you can mess it up. In fact if you ignore the advice given here the rose bush will not die, it will just not perform to its best. I came across these ten tips in an article by Diana Mackie which I found on the Hometalk website.

Do the full, vibrant blooms of a rose make your heart pitter patter? Roses have been favorite amongst gardeners since the dawn of time and even today most Americans say the rose is their favorite flower!

If you are the lucky and proud owner of a rose shrub, you know that we are now at the height of the pruning roses season. Protect your darling flora by ensuring you aren’t accidentally making one of these common pruning mistakes to ensure you have a summer full of beautiful blooms! Happy National Rose Month!

1) You cut too much off

According to gardening experts at Flowerscapes Garden Design & Landscaping, you shouldn’t prune more than half the plant’s original height. Ideal pruning is between 1/3 and 1/2 the plants original height.

the 10 biggest mistakes people make when pruning roses, gardening, landscape, Bontiful Rose Bush viaSummers at the Cottage
Bontiful Rose Bush viaSummers at the Cottage

2) You left too much in the center

As gardening pro Douglas Hunt explains, “the goal of pruning a rose bush is to produce an open centered plant”. Pay attention to stems or canes that crisscross, as well as any weak canes growing towards the center.

the 10 biggest mistakes people make when pruning roses, gardening, landscape, Beautiful Roses on the Back Deck viaGaga s Garden
Beautiful Roses on the Back Deck viaGaga’s Garden
Go to the next page to see more of the ten biggest mistakes people make when pruning roses.