Watching the birds in your garden is one of life’s pleasures and so you need to grow the right plants to attract them into your space. The birds rely on being fed through the winter when their presence gives a lift to the otherwise dull leafless scene. I found this slideshow which illustrates the top ten plants to attract waxwings over at the Birds and Blooms website. The list has been compiled by Melinda Myers.
Every garden should have waxwings! With a little planning, you can bring in these gorgeous fliers with colorful fruit-bearing plants that attract birds.
Fragaria, Zones 3 to 10
The flowers attract butterflies while the fruit brings in waxwings and other fruit-loving birds. Watch for the beautiful red leaves in fall. June-bearing varieties produce one bumper crop per season. If you want several crops, try growing day-neutral or everbearing varieties.
Why we love it: There?s always room for strawberries, since you can grow them in the ground, in hanging baskets or in container gardens.Ilex verticillata, Zones 3 to 9
The red berries of this deciduous holly brighten gray or snowy winter landscapes. Be sure to plant at least one male for every five female plants so there?s fruit for the waxwings to feast on. Combine winterberry with evergreens and ornamental grasses for a pleasing winter scene. The plant is tolerant of wet acidic soils.
Why we love it: A few berry-covered branches will do wonders for your winter container gardens.Juniperus, Zones 2 to 9
From tall and slender to low and spreading, juniper comes in a wonderful diversity of shapes. The prickly evergreen needles provide shelter, while the berrylike cones offer food for the birds. Needles can be green or bluish-green and may be tipped in white or yellow. Some turn bronzy-purple for winter, while others remain green to brighten the landscape.
Why we like it: There?s at least one type of juniper that will grow in just about any part of the world.
Read more: Birds and Blooms
Image source: Martin Cooper