Even if you are not an organic gardener it is a good idea to restrict the amount of chemicals and pesticides you use in the garden. One way to do this is by growing plants that are natural pest repellers and also have attractive flowers. For instance nasturtiums repel Plant lice, thrips, White flies, Squash bugs, many kind of beetles and Cabbage loopers. This article by Maya which I found on the Top Inspired website describes nine other plants that are effective bug repellers.
Dealing with annoying pests can be discouraging especially when we are only starting. Luckily there are certain flowers that are not just making our garden prettier but can make a huge difference with our final product.
Here is a list of some of the most helpful bug repelling plants we should consider including.1. Nasturtiums or Tropaeolum
This lively colored flower among other repels aphids also known as Plant lice, thrips, White flies, Squash bugs, many kind of beetles and Cabbage loopers. Tropaelum is especially effective against snails so it is recommended to plant it near lettuce or other vegetables that are their most common target. While planting, it is advised to leave as much space around the plants as possible because this plant grows quite a lot, especially in width.
Besides the above, Nasturtiums are extremely healthy. You can add both, aromatic leaves and flowers to your salads.
See more at Top Inspired
Feature photo via?www.jparkers.co.uk
Beautiful flowers!