The 6 New Trends In Container Gardening

The original concept of container gardening was that you grow your flowers in a planter which was basically a flower pot. Of course there were and still are many different designs of planters, but the new trends are moving on from this original concept. The most obvious trend is the use of recycled household items as containers, but there are five other trends that Jessica Walliser has identified and describes in her article which I found on the Savvy Gardening website.

That?s it. I?m making an executive decision and officially declaring it The Decade of the Container Garden. With so many great container gardening ideas sprouting up on Pinterest and various gardening websites (including Savvy Gardening, of course!), I?ve come across more creative container gardens in the past few years than I?ve seen in my whole life. Gone are the days of sticking a begonia a clay pot and calling it a day. Gardeners everywhere are now relying on creative container gardening trends to design unique planters to embellish their homes, gardens, and lives. And, they?re doing it beautifully!
The container gardening trend is so hot, in fact, that it?s the topic of my forthcoming book with Cool Springs Press. I?ve spent the entire summer scouting locations, shooting photographs, and designing container gardening projects for the book, and I gotta say, I?m astonished by the amount of creativity in the container gardening world! It seems that today?s gardeners are more willing than ever to take risks when designing their containers. We?re trying new crazy-cool plant combinations, turning just about anything that holds soil into a container, and taking color combos that were once considered garish and making them sing. As a result, our creative juices are flowing like never before.

Table container garden

Creative gardeners are turning everything into containers these days ? including the patio table!

Traveling the country in search of interesting container gardens has led me to discover a handful of container gardening trends that are pretty consistent from coast-to-coast. These are the trends that are inspiring today?s container gardeners and stimulating fresh ideas. They?re introducing a whole new generation of gardeners to the joys of growing in containers with style. When it?s time to plant your containers, take these container gardening trends and add your own creative twist.

Go to the next page to see Jessica Walliser’s new trends in container gardening.

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