The 23 Most Popular Fragrant Flowers

This list of the most fragrant flowers has been compiled from a survey of some 3000 gardeners from around the world. Once the survey was complete the twenty-three most popular choices were selected and are shown below in reverse order. See if you agree.? I came across this list on the Balcony Garden Web site.

We love pleasant odors and flowers are the liveliest source of them. So, what are the most fragrant flowers?
On this, we did a small survey asking 3000+ gardeners of more than 20 countries on major social media platforms and noted their opinions. They voted for most fragrant flowers according to them and we short-listed 23 best and arranged them all rank wise here.

23. Scented Primrose

Primrose Flower
Grows widely in Europe, primrose comes in colorful flowers with beautiful foliage and emanates mild fruity aroma. They herald the arrival of spring especially in the evening time, when the breeze sweeps through them. It?s an easy to maintain plant. Good for container gardens

22. Plumeria

Plumeria frangipani Sale
Also called Frangipani, plumeria is a subtropical or tropical flower related to oleander. Its flowers are softly fragrant in daytime and intensifies in night. Its other names are yasmin & champa.

21. Sweet autumn clematis

Prune Clematis vitalba
In the late summer to autumn, its perfumed white flowers blooms in clusters and give it a silvery appearance. Heavenly fragrance oozes out from them like talcum powder and spread a soft coolness all around.

Go to the next page to see more of the most popular fragrant flowers.

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