Pick Up Some Ideas From These 15 Urban Garden Designs

Gardens in cities tend to be on the small side and so have to make the best use of the space. Most of the gardens shown here have been designed by experts and the majority are located in London. The gardens are described in an article by Lauren Dunec Hoang which I found on the Houzz website.

In the last year, the urban gardens that have really grabbed people?s attention on Houzz have a number of characteristics in common. All are stylish, contemporary and maximize space for outdoor living. Many have calming color palettes, such as deep green, white and charcoal, and ? no surprise ? are expertly designed to carve out privacy in crowded city lots.
Location is the most notable common thread of the most popular urban backyard photos uploaded and saved to ideabooks in 2016. Hats off to London?s landscape architects and garden designers who took 12 out of the top 15 urban gardens.
Go to the next page to see more of these urban garden designs.