The method known as companion planting is based on the fact that certain flowers and vegetables have a beneficial effect when grown together. The classic example is squash, corn and beans where the corn gives support to the climbing beans which in turn add nutrients to the soil while the squash suppresses weeds. On the other hand there are plants that should never be grown alongside each other as Rebecca Straus explains in her article which I found on Rodale’s Organic Life website.

Companion planting is the practice of growing crops that are natural allies side-by-side. It?s a tradition based on many years of observations by dedicated gardeners, though in a few cases science backs up the practice, too. The most famous example of companion planting is the ?Three Sisters? that Native American farmers planted together?squash, corn, and beans. The three vegetables grow together perfectly: The corn acts as a trellis for the beans, the beans return nutrients to the soil, and the broad leaves of the squash literally ?squash? down weeds while locking moisture into the soil, explains The University of California Master Gardeners. But what about plants that are natural enemies in the vegetable garden? Here are seven combinations companion planters say are no-gos.
scallions and peas
Photograph by Rodale Images
Onions + Peas
Traditional wisdom says you should never plant members of the onion family?including shallots and garlic?with peas. According to the Farmer?s Almanac, companion planters believe the onions can stunt peas? (and beans?) growth.
potatoes and tomatoes
Photograph by Rodale Images + Christa Neu
Potatoes + Tomatoes
According to The University of California Master Gardeners, growing tomatoes and potatoes together spells trouble. They?re attacked by the same blights, so when they?re right next to each other, the diseases spread more easily.
peppers and beans
Photograph by Rob Cardillo + Rodale Images
Peppers + Beans
According to Rodale?s Successful Organic Gardening: Companion Planting, peppers and beans are both susceptible to anthracnose, so if one gets it, they?ll both wind up infected when planted side-by-side. This disease ruins fruits by causing dark, soft spots to appear.

See more at Rodale’s Organic Life

1 Comment

  1. From experience I can tell you if you plant jalape?o peppers too close to bell peppers you get a cross I like to call the “bellapeno”. Completely accidental and totally hilarious!! It’s the hottest bell pepper you’ll ever taste!!

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