If you are anything like me you enjoy trips to the garden center and buying plants for your garden. The only problem I find is that I am tempted to purchase more than I really need and spend more than I originally intended. So this article by Crystal Rennicke which I found on the Birds and Blooms website has some useful tips on how to make sure you get the best value from your visit.

Shop confidently for flowers and shrubs with these insider tips from the pros. Industry experts show you the gardening basics to follow for a better (and less expensive) buying experience.

Before you head out the door, do your homework. Jennifer Youngquest, director of marketing for English Gardens in West Bloomfield, Michigan, suggests signing up for store newsletters. ?Many garden centers send newsletters via snail mail or email that are filled with ideas, new products and promotions,? she says.
Simply by joining a store?s garden club or e-newsletter list, you?re privy to special deals and insider information. If you already receive the newsletter, pay closer attention to it. Some offer incentives like coupons for $10 off a $50 purchase. It?s also a good way to find out more about the store, its layout and its policies.
Before you go, make a detailed list and stick to it. Garden centers bank on impulse buys?seeing all those beautiful flowers prettily packaged after a long winter is like grocery shopping on an empty stomach. But if you stick to your list, you?ll be more likely to come home with exactly what you need.
If you have a lot of questions or need some personal shopping help, Jennifer suggests calling ahead to make an appointment with a sales associate. ?Many customers are able to get free gardening advice and one-on-one attention that way,? she says.

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