For a gardener there is nothing more soul destroying than to have your carefully tended plants damaged and even totally destroyed by pests of various sorts. When the damage is caused by insects the problem can usually be solved by using sprays which should preferably be organic. But when it comes to larger critters with four legs the problem becomes more acute. This article by Laura Foreman which I found on Dave’s Garden website has suggestions for dealing with creatures large and small from mice to deer.
Learn how to deal with big pests before they become a big problem.As a gardener, it?s hard not to beam with pride over what we?ve grown. Like proud parents, we may feel a glimmer of excitement at the sight of the first sprouts and fruits of the year. We meticulously tend to our plants, offering them water and fertilizer when they need it, pulling weeds that compete for their nutrients, and looking over their leaves, flowers, and stems for any signs of disease and infestation. The point is, we care a lot about our plants, and that?s an understatement.
This is why we sometimes become angry when we notice small, furry creatures filching from our gardens. While some animals like deer and birds eat leaves and berries straight from the plants, other animals like gophers and voles burrow underground for an all-out sneak attack, munching on roots and root crops and pulling vegetables like onions, carrots, and leeks down into their holes. While Peter Rabbit and the other characters from Beatrix Potter?s imagination may be beloved characters in literature, they aren’t so wonderful when they’re chewing up our yards. When we encounter the animals on which those characters are based, we begin to sympathize with Mr. McGregor and become set on eradicating them from the garden.The Biggest Threats to Your Garden
Although the kinds of pests you?ll encounter will largely depend on where you live, there are a few that are ubiquitous. Rats and mice not only wreak havoc in our homes, but they can also view the garden as an all-you-can-eat salad bar that’s free for the taking. Voles, which look like mice, can also be lumped in with this lot. While they tend to eschew onions or other pungent plants, they may have a nibble on your strawberries, carrots, herbs, and other greens.
See more at Dave’s Garden