When you buy a Christmas tree and bring it indoors into your home the change in temperature can cause a shock that may result in the loss of pine needles. Although the tree has been cut from its roots it is still living and so needs water to keep it fresh. Sometimes there can be a problem and the tree may not be taking up water as it should. There are various reasons why this may occur as is explained in this article by Mary Dyer over on the Gardening Know How website.
Fresh Christmas trees are a holiday tradition, loved for their beauty and fresh, outdoorsy fragrance. However, Christmas trees often take the blame for destructive fires that occur during the holiday season. The most effective way to prevent Christmas tree fires is to keep the tree well hydrated. With proper care, a tree should remain fresh for two to three weeks. This may sound easy, but it becomes a problem if your Christmas tree is not drinking water.
Causes for a Christmas Tree Not Taking Up Water
Generally, when Christmas trees have problems taking up water, it?s because we tend to add products to the tree itself or the water. Avoid spray-on fire retardants and other products advertised to keep your tree fresh. Similarly, bleach, vodka, aspirin, sugar, lime soda, copper pennies or vodka have little or no effect and some can actually slow water retention and increase moisture loss.
What works best? Plain old tap water. If you tend to be forgetful, keep a pitcher or watering can near the tree to remind you.
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Image source: Alexas Fotos