Winter is a great time for planning for the next season. If you are thinking about erecting a fence or even replacing an existing one it helps if you can see some designs so that you can choose one that is suitable for your situation. I found an article over at the Garden Lovers Club which has ten examples of a white picket fence.

The white picket fence is one of the most indelible pieces of garden imagery of?modern times. It?s a truly versatile, universal signifier of a well-kept landscape that appears on countless lawns and gardens around the world. The pristine white tones contrast perfectly with earthy greens and bold colors, making for a match made in heaven when it comes to thoughtful landscaping ideas. It?s a blank canvas upon which you can project your best work.
Because there are so many ways to incorporate a white fence into your landscape, we?ve shared a collection of some of?our favorite ideas. Decorating and integrating a white fence within your garden is?an easy, effortlessly attractive way to spruce up any garden; the images shared here will show you just how it can be done!
Our first idea is pictured above. We see a burst of bright pink roses creeping up and over the fence, spilling greenery through the slats. Climbing roses make for?great white fence companions, wrapping and hanging onto the structure as they do.

Garden Fence Pink Roses Sage Speedwell Catmint
Here?s a particularly striking example of how to frame and complement your white fence. Bursting with a wild contrast of colors, we have sage, speedwell, and catmint creating a bed upon which tall pink roses stand. Towering over the lower plants and standing out amongst the expanse of white fencing, the roses pair perfectly with the lush green and purple hues concealing the lower half of the fence.
Petunia Flowers on White Fence
This image shows a close focus view of magenta petunias crowding against a simple white fence. The low rise fence is backed by a series of large pots holding the petunias, allowing for the flowers to be moved on a whim,?and a diverse set of arrangements to be shown throughout the seasons.
Sunflowers White Fence
Sunflowers are another iconic gardening image. Placed side by side with a white picket fence, and you have a stunning, classical portrait of modern landscaping. The immense, bright flowers will tower above nearly any fence, leaving the green, leafy stalks to form a verdant background to the high contrast white fencing. This creates a thickly veiled border to any yard, without the imposing presence of a tall fence.

See more at Garden Lovers Club
Image source: Garden Lovers Club