Orchids are exotic plants which can flower for several months at at time, but eventually the last petal will fall. Since an orchid is a relatively expensive plant it would be wasteful to throw it out at this point since there is every chance that it will flower again. You just need to give it the appropriate care as is described in this article I found in the Ebay Buying Guides.

Though also known as the Moth Orchid, the Phalaenopsis orchid comes in approximately 60 different variations. Displaying great and colorful variety, this plant grows natively throughout Southeast Asia, the Bismarck Archipelago, and southern China. It also grows wild in parts of India, New Guinea, and northern Australia, but elsewhere, it’s best to keep them warm by growing them as an indoor potted plant. When you find that you own a Phalaenopsis orchid that lost its bloom, there’s no need to despair because it’s only sleeping, and you can get it back with the right type of attention to once again enjoy its famously long-lasting bloom.

Maintaining the Phalaenopsis

The Phalaenopsis is a popular indoor plant due to its vivid color, beauty, and decorative qualities. It grows well indoors, but you might find it difficult to maintain in rooms where temperatures frequently drop below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. This plant likes a tight-fitting flowerpot in a well-lit position, and it thrives on east/west-facing windowsills with filtered shade, as long exposure in direct sunlight can burn the leaves.
This plant also loves humidity, so if the air in your room is low in moisture, you can place a dish of water underneath the pot. You also need to separate the water from the plant by adding a layer of pebbles to the bottom of the pot to avoid having the plant soak in water. A moderate watering once a week is ideal as long as you maintain regularity, and you can feed your orchid a water-soluble nitrogen fertilizer approximately once a month at a ratio of 1 teaspoon per water gallon.

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Image source:?David Sedlmayer


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