Or to put it another way, don’t throw away those fall mums you bought only a few weeks ago. With a little care you can keep them over the winter to flower again next year. All you need are a few tips from someone who knows how to do it. And Tricia Deverts is the person with the knowledge. Her article which I found on Dave’s Garden website shows how you can overwinter the plants outside. She also explains a second method which involves keeping the plants indoors.
Don’t throw away those inexpensive fall mums. Overwinter them for next yearIf you are like me, you succumb to the pleasure of buying a few fall mums early each fall. I enjoy placing them near my front entryway as a welcome to the new season. I love their vibrant colors and their plentiful blooms. I also enjoy their affordable prices ? one store near me was selling small garden mums for $1 each recently.
The trouble is many people treat these hardy plants as throwaway fall decorations. Did you know you can successfully overwinter fall mums both in the ground and in pots? Here?s how.
Outdoors in the groundThe first step to successfully overwintering garden mums is to plant them in the ground early. Many gardeners purchase mums to replace fading annuals in their garden in late summer. Since mums are one of the last perennials to bloom, this is a good idea.
A key to the mum?s survival of the winter is to plant it in the ground well before the first frost. Mums that are planted in late summer or very early fall have a better chance of surviving harsh temperatures because their roots will have some time to establish in the ground.
Choose a sunny somewhat sheltered spot that drains well. Work about an inch of chopped leaves or other organic matter into about a foot of loosened soil. Also, work in a granular fertilizer that is formulated for mums.
Read more: Dave’s Garden
Image source: Chris Sorge