The amaryllis has been described as the perfect indoor houseplant. With its spectacular trumpet shaped flowers in red or white it provides the perfect foil for the holiday decorations. Coupled with the fact that it’s easy to grow is the fascination in watching the tall stem shoot upwards so rapidly that you can almost see it move. I came across an article? by Cherie Moyer which I found on The Master Gardeners website which has some useful tips on caring for these plants.

The Amaryllis are such an interesting and beautiful houseplant for the winter. I think that they are more popular than ever. The bulbs can now be bought with double blossoms and miniatures, along with new colors like green and yellow and some with ruffled edges.
About 4 years ago, I was given one as a gift. My daughter and I had fun watching it grow in a sunny window. We even measured its, growth. Under the right conditions an inch a day is possible and how miraculous the bloom! Many of mine have reached 24″ in height. The blossoms are huge and last for several weeks. I stagger the plantings and have amaryllis blooming till springtime.
What do you do with the plant when it is finished blooming? So many people throw the bulb away. I want to share with you how to keep the bulb from year to year and continue to enjoy its beauty. It is so easy to do!
After the blossom stalk has finished blooming, cut only the blossom stalk off at the base. Let the large strap like leaves continue to grow. As the leaves continue to grow, you may have to stake the leaves up with a wire support or slender wooden stake. Continue to water with about a cup of water weekly.

See more at The Master Gardeners