They may be old-fashioned, but in the right situations hollyhocks provide a great display. The large saucer-shaped flowers grow on stems which can reach a height of nine feet. There are also smaller varieties so there is plenty of choice. Hollyhocks are said to be deer-resistant and attract beneficial wildlife such as bees and butterflies. I found this information in an article by Noelle Johnson which comes from the Houzz website.
While they may be old-fashioned flowers, hollyhocks (Alcea rosea) definitely deserve a spot in today?s gardens due to their tall stature and large, colorful blooms. The flowering spikes can vary from 3 to 9 feet tall, depending on the variety, making them lovely background plants with shorter perennials and ground covers in front.
These flowering plants are biennials, meaning they produce leaves during the first year of growth and flowers in the second year. While they are short-lived, they reseed on their own, ensuring their presence in the garden for years.Botanical name: Alcea rosea
Common name: Hollyhock
Origin: Native to Asia
Where it will grow: Hardy to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit, or minus 40 degrees Celsius (USDA Zone 3; find your zone)
Water requirement: Moderate
Light requirement: Full sun (at least six hours a day)
Mature size: 3 to 9 feet tall, depending on variety
Benefits and tolerances: Deer-resistant; fragrant; attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds
Seasonal interest: Flowers in spring in warmer zones and in summer in colder ones
When to plant: In spring from seed (after the last frost); in spring or fall from transplantsDistinguishing traits. Hollyhocks? tall flowering spikes rise from a large clump of leaves, transforming the garden with color and height. The leaves are 6 to 8 inches wide and covered in fuzzy hairs. Growth during the first year produces foliage, which will support the flowering that happens the following year.
See more at Houzz
Oh no Diane, remember this mess?
I will be planting some soon.