When buying new plants it is all too easy to acquire something that promises spectacular blooms, but turns out to be rather fussy and so is likely to disappoint. Unless you take your time and read the small print you can get carried away by the picture of perfection on the plant label and fail to realize that your specimen will not look like that without conditions that you cannot provide. So if you are looking for some plants that are tough and reliable this list will help you out. This comes from an article by Melinda Myers which I found on the Birds and Blooms website.

Sometimes you just need a sure thing. You know what I mean?an easy, resilient, no-fail, plant-it-and-leave-it option for your garden. I?ve been there myself. In fact, I?m there right now. I recently moved from my home of more than 20 years, and I have a blank garden canvas just waiting to be filled. While I can?t wait to try new and unique varieties that I?ve never had space for before, I also need a good base of things I can rely on. Basically, I need tough plants.
I know I?m not the only one. As a horticulturalist and garden speaker, I?m always asked for recommendations on especially hardy plants. So follow my advice, and be sure to check out my top picks. If you include some of these in your garden planning, you?ll be able to say you have some of the toughest plants in America!

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