The first obvious reason to attract birds into your garden is that they are such a pleasure to watch. There is another practical reason which is that birds are natural insect predators and so will help to get rid of unwelcome pests. I came across an article by Shannon Bass which I found over on Dave’s Garden website which describes five trees that will attract these delightful flying bug eaters.

When trying to attract birds all year long, or at least as long as they are in the area, there are a few things to keep in mind before buying and planting. First, plant trees that have different fruiting and blooming schedules. This way, there will always be one or more blooming while the others are not. For instance, have some trees that bloom in the spring and some that bloom in the fall.
Next, remember to plant trees that are going to add to your yard, not detract from it. You don’t want to plant a tree that cannot handle the temperatures of your area or will make more mess than you are willing to deal with. Some trees will drop a lot of their fruit, especially in the first year or two.
Lastly, think about what you want to attract to your yard. Different trees will attract different birds. Also, some trees will attract other wildlife with the birds, such as deer, wild turkeys, and other animals that may be considered pests in some circumstances. You may not want to attract these animals because of the damage they can cause to your other plants.
Here is a list of five popular trees that are excellent at attracting birds:

1. Mulberry

Mulberries are great trees to attract all kinds of birds ? warblers, thrashers, mockingbirds, bluebirds, tanagers, and orioles. These trees can grow fairly large, around 30 to 80 feet.
There are three main species: white, black, and red, with the white being originally cultured for silkworm production. They start blooming in the spring, and by summer, they are full of fruit. Humans can eat these fruits, and they are popular in pies and jams.
They are drought-resistant and can handle poor soil conditions well. However, one drawback of this tree is that the fruit tends to fall off when it is fully ripened. And, they can stain almost anything they touch, so things can get a bit messy.

2. Serviceberry (Juneberry)

serviceberry and juneberry
Serviceberry trees grow well underneath taller trees such as oaks or pines. Growing to around 15 to 30 feet tall, these trees attract robins, cardinals, tanagers, woodpeckers, chickadees, doves, and finches. They produce a massive amount of flowers, from white to pink color, with a red-colored berry. These berries are completely edible for humans too and have been used in jams and pies.
They grow multiple trunks that are gray and dark gray streaked, so they are often used for ornamental purposes in many landscapes. They can thrive in USDA zones 4-9 and do best in acidic soils, both moist or well-drained.

See more at Dave’s Garden