Many gardeners regard shady areas of the garden as a problem, particularly those spots that are in full shade meaning no sun throughout the day. While many of our favorite flowers flourish and thrive best in full sun, there are many others that prefer partial or even full shade. This list of twenty-five full shade plants are described in an article by Mike McGroarty which I found on his Mike’s? Backyard Nursery website.

Remember back in grade school when your teacher gave you a dixie cup full of dirt?? You planted a flower seed, kept the cup in the window and watered it each day.?? Your flower sprouted, grew and bloomed.? Then you carefully brought it home for Mother?s Day.? (For many of us, it didn?t survive the journey home!)
We are taught at a young age that flowers and plants need plenty of sunshine and water in order to grow.? While that is mostly true, it is also true that there are a number of beautiful shade loving flowers and shrubs that prefer to live in the darker areas of your yard.
Finding plants to grow in partial shade is fairly easy.? Finding full shade plants can be a bit of challenge. ? I hear all the time, ?Nothing but moss will grow in the dark corner of my yard? or ?I have a beautiful shade tree out front, but nothing will grow under it?.

Here are my recommendation of 25 full shade plants that will look great in your yard.

#1? Hellebore

Hellebore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-g_dumw9Tc
Sometimes called the winter rose, hellebore blooms in the late winter or early spring.? Blooms come in a wide variety of shades- white, red, pink, purple, orange, yellow, tan??? With leathery leaves and thick petals (not to mention winter blooms! ), you?d swear this plant is fake.? They grow in zones 4-9.

#2 Hydrangea

When it comes to flowers, hydrangea go for the gusto.? The huge flower clusters bloom late spring into early autumn as either mophead (large round or conical clusters) or lace cap (flat, loosely arranged blooms).?? While white hydrangeas will always bloom in shades of white, the pink or blue flowering varieties can be changed by the soil.? The more acidic the soil, the more blue the blooms will be.? Alkaline soil produces pink blooms.

Go to the next page for more full shade plants.

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