Paths in a garden are there for a practical purpose to allow access from one section to another. Most paths will have a gravel surface or standard paving slabs. But if yours is like this then you are missing out on more interesting decorative possibilities. I found an article on the Fantastic Viewpoint website which illustrates fifteen ways that you can make a garden path into a major feature.

The garden pathway is a necessity for your walks and a significant detail to prevent grass deterioration. And not only pathways are a functional element in the garden, they are also a very decorative detail that can also be used to create a mood or atmosphere. There are many creative ideas how to create the best pathway design, so if you are planning to make one in your garden, get some inspiration from these 15 examples which materials you?ll need to create a charming pathway?in your garden to make it more attractive and unique.

garden path edging ideas merl4ytgt 634x951 15 Examples Which Materials You?ll Need To Create A Charming Pathway In Your Garden
Photo via www.bhelas.co.uk

Create an amazing garden path, one with a creative design. You have the option to use stones, bricks, concrete tiles, or even wood logs to create one that will be the perfect choice for your garden. You can decorate them with artistic mosaic patterns, or create a mix of natural grass and put the materials above. Use wood to make the steps and surround them with stones. The result will be a very natural and good ?looking path design.

woonhome tuintrends Natuurstenen natuurlijke look tuin 634x713 15 Examples Which Materials You?ll Need To Create A Charming Pathway In Your Garden
Photo via www.woonhome.nl

Or, use round concrete blocks that will be surrounded with gravel, or soil. You can achieve the similar path design using some bigger stones.

stepping stone garden path 1 634x423 15 Examples Which Materials You?ll Need To Create A Charming Pathway In Your Garden
Photo via www.gardenlifelogcabins.co.uk

See more at Fantastic Viewpoint