12 Ways To Create A Low-Maintenance Garden

Depending on what type of gardener you are will dictate the proportion of your time that you want to spend on tending your plants as opposed to relaxing in your green oasis. This article is concerned with the latter type of person and so these twelve designs show ways that the day to day maintenance can be reduced to the minimum. I found this article by Lauren Dunec Hoang on the Houzz website.

The most common request that I, as a garden designer, receive from clients is for a low-maintenance garden. While I may be quick to point out that no garden is no-maintenance, there are indeed some strategies for cutting down on garden chores. Here are 12 ideas to set up your garden to spend less time weeding, mowing and mulching, and more time enjoying the space itself.
Go to the next page to see more of these low-maintenance garden design ideas.