Many of our favorite garden plants are poisonous if eaten and while most humans will be aware if this fact our pets may not be so wise. So to protect our cats and dogs it makes sense to ensure that any plants we bring into our homes are safe and pet friendly. This article which I found on the Gardening Channel contains a list of some fifty plants that should be kept away from our pets and then describes twelve that are safe to keep in the house.
Having plants indoors is a great way to help keep air clean and bring the feel of the garden into your home, but some plants can be toxic to animals. We?ve gathered a list of some of the most common houseplants to avoid as well as care instructions for plants that are known to be safe for dogs and cats.
Nontoxic to Cats and Dogs
Air Plants (Tillandsias) ? Air plants are easy to grow when watered properly. The best way to know you?re doing this properly is to totally submerge the plant in water two to three times a week. Underwatered plants will be limp and squishy, while sufficiently watered plants will feel firm. Between waterings, keep your plant in a mostly shaded area that is well ventilated.
African Daisy ? The African daisy is a drought-tolerant flower native to South Africa. It is available in a wide variety of colors. African daisies do best in full sunlight and heat. They prefer well-drained soil and will even tolerate dry soil. Sow seeds by sprinkling them on soil. African daisies will bloom just 50 to 60 days after seeds are sown. African daisies are annuals and will bloom summer through fall.
African Violet ? African violets produce small, purple blooms that can last for several weeks. Plants are typically propagated from leaf trimmings. African violets do best in well-drained soil with a high phosphorus content and low nitrogen. They need partial sun and should be moved away from windows to protect them from summer sun and winter frost. To prevent spotting, water from the bottom up, avoiding leaves.
See more at Gardening Channel