While most flowers need plenty of sun in order to thrive, when the temperatures really soar it can be too much of a good thing and even the sun lovers will start to wilt. If we find this is a problem then perhaps it is time to think about looking for plants that are accustomed to high temperatures. The ten plants on this list are natives of Africa and New Zealand, but there are varieties that are suitable for growing in the United States. The plants are described by Jean Starr in her article which I found on the Planters Place website.

Choose plants from hot climates
Plants from New Zealand and Australia have been gradually trickling onto the U.S. garden scene. And they really shine through the middle of summer. Check out the Australian Native Plant Society for more details on plants that have been hybridized for use by American gardeners. Here are four that stand up to a Midwestern heatwave.
1. Kangaroo paws: Although its unlikely most Americans can call to mind the image of a kangaroo?s paw, it?s easier to pronounce than this plant?s botanical name, Anigozanthos (Anna-go-ZAN-thus). Starting out in the U.S. as a cut flower, a few compact varieties are available now, including the Kanga series
2. Eucalyptus ?Silver Drop? makes a great companion for Ptilotus. With its wiry stems, it leans gently against its neighbor plants, brightening or softening any color with its silvery leaves. It makes sense, because this Eucalyptus species is native to Tasmania, an island state south of Australia. ?Silver Drop? is one of those multi-purpose plants?it makes a great addition to mixed containers, is a long-lasting and beautiful filler for bouquets, and its leaves smell nice.
Go to the next page for more great plants for hot summer weather.

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